Join us for a Night in the W!ld!

River Parks’ signature fall fundraiser, Wild Turkey, returned on Thursday, September 25, 205.  As autumn colors emerged among the forested hills of Turkey Mountain, a casual evening under the stars beckoned!  Patrons unwound in their most comfortable outdoor wear, visited with friends old and new, shared BBQ and bonfires as the sun dipped below the horizon.  Entertainment featured bluegrass, short moonlight strolls at the trailhead, and birds from the Sutton Avian Research Center.

Wild Turkey benefits the Turkey Mountain Urban Wilderness, Tulsa’s treasure trove of winding trails, quiet ponds and meadows, valleys and vistas.  Each year, tens of thousands hike, bike and ramble the wooded landscape, finding an uncommon respite in the heart of the city.  The 2020 Turkey Mountain Master Plan is guiding the park’s management to assure its viability for generations to come.  Your support of Wild Turkey is implementing the Master Plan’s goals:  preservation, restoration and recreation.

Progress toward these goals is evident through accomplishments to date:
• 25+ miles of trail have been rehabilitated to mitigate erosion and improve accessibility
•   the first controlled burn was conducted to begin thinning the understory and reduce wildfire danger
•   areas of invasive species are being removed to allow desirable vegetation to flourish
•   installation of new wayfinding signage has begun

Turkey Mountain is one of Tulsa’s most popular recreation destinations, with over 28,000 visitors per month this spring and summer.  Your support for Wild Turkey at one of the many patron levels will make a lasting difference for the Turkey Mountain Urban Wilderness!

“Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books.” - Sir John Lubbock

Answer the call and join us at Wild Turkey!


Become a Presenting Sponsor!
Contact Us
WILD TURKEY Presenting Sponsor opportunities are available.  Presenting Sponsors receive special recognition as they lead the way in implementing the Turkey Mountain Master Plan’s exciting first steps. To reach our event co-chairs and learn more, please contact us at
Become a Black Bear Sponsor!
Premier reserved seating for 16 guests; VIP on-site parking; recognition from the stage; premier on-site and table recognition. Wilderness Experience! Hike Turkey Mountain, guided by an archeologist, on a date “TBD” for up to 16 guests. We’ll furnish the backpacks and trail snacks.
Learn more about the Experience Packages and Print the Patron Reservation Form HERE.
Become an Elk Sponsor!
Preferred reserved seating for 12 guests; on-site parking; preferred on-site and table recognition. BaseCamp Experience! Receive two reserved campsites at River Parks’ popular BaseCamp event, Saturday, October 4th. Confirmation for your campsite must be received by September 21, 2025.  Read more about BaseCamp at  Learn more about the Experience Packages and Print the Patron Reservation Form HERE.
Become a Mountain Lion Sponsor!
Preferred seating for 10 guests; convenient parking with shuttle; on-site and table recognition. BaseCamp Experience! Enjoy one reserved campsite at River Parks’ popular BaseCamp event, Saturday, Saturday, October 4th. Confirmation for your campsite must be received by September 21, 2025.  
Read more about BaseCamp at  
Learn more about the Experience Packages and Print the Patron Reservation Form HERE.
Become a Timber Wolf Sponsor!
Reserved seating for 8 guests; convenient parking with shuttle; on-site and table recognition. Download and Print the Patron Reservation Form HERE.
Become a Bison Sponsor!
Reserved seating for 6 guests; convenient parking with shuttle; on-site and table recognition. Download and Print the Patron Reservation Form HERE.
Become a Bobcat Sponsor!
Open seating for 4 guests; convenient parking with shuttle; text name recognition on WILD TURKEY event page on RPA website and on-site. Download and Print the Patron Reservation Form HERE.
Buy an individual ticket to W!LD TURKEY.
Open seating for 1 guest; convenient parking with shuttle. Download and Print the Patron Reservation Form HERE.
Donate to
River Parks

Save your place for WILD Turkey today!


George Kaiser Family Foundation
Prescott Group Capital Management

Frederic Dorwart, Lawyers PLLC

Sanford & Irene Burnstein Family Foundation
Spade Energy
VOY Construction, LLC
Torre & Robert Waldo

Anchor Stone Co.
Ascension St. John
Bank of Oklahoma
Sharon King Davis
Green Bay Packaging LLC
Helmerich & Payne
Shelly & Derek Martin
Zeeco, Inc.

Mike & Pat Case
Hogan Assessments
Phillips 66 Midstream
Omni Lighting Inc
Studio 45 Architects, PLLC

Jay Downie
Bob Anderson & Jan Conway
Catering By PartyServe
GH2 Architects, LLC
Marvin Jones & Rose Washington-Jones
The Hille Foundation
Marian & Jim McCarthy
Steve & Annabelle Miller
Outside Inc.
Resolute PR
Kala & Gary Sharp
Thermal Company, Inc.

Maureen Azarian  •  Bob McCoy  •  Mary Liebert
Elizabeth Hall • Annie & Jeff Van Hanken
Schnake Turnbo Frank • Jane Ann Zeigler • Dan Allen
Tonja & Tim Carrigg • Sarah & David Jankowsky
Tulsa Regional Chamber

Hasty Bake Pro Staff & Ambassadors
Marshall Brewing Company
George Miksch Sutton Avian Research Center
Astronomy Club of Tulsa
Mary Fencl Events