What is River Parks Authority?
River Parks Authority is a public trust authority created to develop and maintain the public park lands along the Arkansas River in Tulsa County. In Tulsa, there are three separate public park agencies that operate independently of one another: River Parks Authority, the City of Tulsa Parks Department, and the Tulsa County Park Department.
What Rules Govern Public Use in River Parks?
Park land controlled by the Authority is governed by Title 26 of the Tulsa Revised Ordinances. Under Title 26, the Authority’s Board may also adopt additional rules to govern activity that is unique to River Parks. Most of River Parks falls under the enforcement jurisdiction of the Tulsa Police Department, except some portions of the M.K. & T. (Katy) Tulsa – Sand Springs Trail.
What Are Some of the Primary Rules that Apply to River Parks?
• Curfew is 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. in all areas of River Parks
• Pets must be on a leash
• See detailed rules for Zink Dam under “What is Zink Lake and Dam?” below
• Consumption of beverages containing alcohol is prohibited in parking lots
• No weapons allowed except as permitted by Oklahoma law
• No motorized vehicles, gasoline powered bicycles/scooters, or motorized equipment
• E-Scooters (such as Lime and Bird and OneWheels) are regulated the same as bicycles
• Pedal assist bikes or ebikes are allowed but MUST be pedal assist (Class 1 or 2 as defined by Oklahoma Statute). These bikes must include pedals on the frame of the device per the definitions which can be found in Title 47 of Oklahoma State and Title 37, Chapter 1 of the City of Tulsa Ordinance. Title 37 of the City of Tulsa Ordinance and must be regulated at a maximum speed of 15 mph.
Are the Trails Lighted?
Most of the River Parks trails are lighted. However, most of the lights operate on timers and go off at night shortly after the park’s 11 p.m. curfew, then come on again when curfew lifts at 5 a.m. The M.K.& T. (Katy) Trail is not lighted between 11th Street (Southwest Boulevard) and 81st West Avenue in Sand Springs.
What Guidelines Govern Trail Use?
River Parks’ trails are enjoyed by tens of thousands of park users, year-round. The park system has dual trails where space allows on the east bank from 11th to Joe Creek. The trails are marked with symbols to designate the trail lane closest to the river for pedestrians and strollers and the lane closest to the street for scooters, rollerbladers, cyclists, etc. The west bank trail does not have a median separating the pedestrian and cycling trails, but this is still a dual trail with markings to show the pedestrian lane being closest to the river.
For your safety and the safety of others, please observe the following guidelines:
• Cyclists should ride at a safe speed and are encouraged to wear helmets and use a bicycle or helmet light after dark
• All trail users should be alert to their surroundings and avoid exercising alone in isolated areas
• Share the trail with courtesy, especially when walking, running or cycling with a partner or group
• In the event of an emergency, call 911 immediately
What About Park Safety?
River Parks covers hundreds of acres along a trail corridor that stretches from Sand Springs through Tulsa to Jenks. Trees and shrubs adjacent to the trail are kept trimmed and the trail is lighted in most areas. A number of areas of the park are isolated and are well away from vehicular traffic or residential areas. Trail and park users should always be aware of their surroundings and observe personal safety precautions normal for an urban area. Such precautions might include wearing light-reflective clothing after dark, carrying a cell phone, and using the trails with a companion, especially after dark. Parked vehicles should always be locked and valuables removed. There are no pay phones or emergency call boxes in the park.
Who Do I Call to Report a Problem in River Parks?
Call 911 immediately to report any suspicious activity, criminal activity, or serious hazards in River Parks. Tulsa Police and Tulsa County Sheriff's Department are the only enforcement authority available in the parks system. To report lights out, the need for minor repairs, or for other problems, you may contact the River Parks Authority at 918.596.2001 during regular business hours, Monday through Friday. You may also send an email toStaff@riverparks.org; emails will be answered during normal business hours.
What is Zink Lake & Dam?
Zink Lake is an impoundment pool on the Arkansas River created by Zink Dam at 29th Street. The lake extends upstream to the 11th Street/Southwest Boulevard Bridge. The Arkansas River is subject to swift currents and rapidly fluctuating water levels; there are NO water safety patrols. The area near the dam is popular for fishing and Zink Lake is used for kayaking, paddleboards, rowing, and craft without noncombustible motors. Water craft of any kind are strictly prohibited from traveling from Zink Lake, over the dam, downstream to below the dam. “Primary body contact” water activities such as swimming are prohibited.
Please Note: All park activities, including water-oriented recreation, are “at your own risk."
What Are the Rules for Fishing in River Parks?
Fishing is allowed in most areas of the park, subject to all applicable Oklahoma fishing laws. A fishing license is required for all Oklahoma residents ages 16 and over and for all non-residents. Fishing regulations are enforced by the game rangers of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. Striped Bass and catfish are tested periodically and are deemed safe to eat by the Tulsa City-County Health Department.
Are River Parks’ Facilities Accessible for Persons with Disabilities?
Restrooms, parking areas, playgrounds and picnic areas are designed to accommodate handicapped individuals.
What Park Activities Require Permits?
An “event” is any organized gathering or activity, public or private, which requires coordination by the River Parks staff and may include elements such as the reservation of specific park facilities or areas; the use of park electricity or water; sound amplification; selling or giving away food, beverages, merchandise or materials including brochures, handbills, or pamphlets; providing entertainment, sports instruction or education; and audio, film or photographic productions for commercial use. In addition, placement of a cache in River Parks for the purpose of geocaching requires permission by the River Parks Authority. Permission is also required to place any banners, signs, or flyers of any kind in the park. Fees charged for events vary according to the size and type of event and the event organizer is usually required to provide insurance to protect the interests of persons attending/participating in an event.
How Do I Reserve the Park and/or Schedule an Event?
To reserve a portion of the park or to hold an event, you must complete an event application and return it to the River Parks Authority. For more information about planning an event in River Parks, call 918.596.2008 during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, or submit an event application.